Delhi School of Business

By Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies-TC

NBA Accredited , Equivalence to MBA by AIU

MBA College in Delhi

Event Details

Delhi School of Business, is organizing an “International Conference on The Global Advanced in Business and Communication (GABC – 2024)” from June 27 – 29, 2024. Abstract

Submission Date : January 15, 2024

About the Institute

GABC aims to bring together experts and practitioners from academics, industry and government to consider on-going scholarly activities and business practices which shape and are shaped by the intersection of cultural factors and global business.

The 13th GABC conference will be hosted by Delhi School of Business in New Delhi, India. The co- sponsors are Eastern Michigan Universityand Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

Delhi School of Business, an autonomous management school has made a mark among business schools in Delhi and India. Started in 2013 its academic rigour derived out of its parent institution Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies (VIPS), which was founded in 2000.

We invite abstract submission (max. 500 words) for paper presentations under the following tracks:
1. Cross cultural differences and influences in conducting business
2. Global integrated marketing communication (IMC) and Digital Marketing
3. Languages for business, governmental and managerial communication
4. Leveraging Technologies and Data Science for Innovative Business Outcomes
5. Entrepreneurship towards achieving sustainable development goals
6. Transformative Leadership – Diversity, Equity and Innovative Initiatives
7. New Generation Digital Technology and Employee well being
8. Financial Markets and Emerging sources of Entrepreneurial finance
Extended Abstract Submission: 15 January 2024

Extended Abstract Acceptance Notification: 9 February 2024
Full paper Submission: 15 April 2024
Registration Deadline: 30 April 2024
Full papers submitted by 15 April 2024 will be considered for the Best Paper Award, the result of which will be announced during the conference
The extended abstract should be, at least 350 words but not more than 500 words. It must include:
  1. Title befitting the conference tracks
  2. Theoretical or empirical justification for the paper.
  3. Short summary of literature review
  4. Brief summary of data and methodology with justification of its appropriateness
  5. Main findings and their theoretical or practical relevance.
  1. Paper title
  2. Names of authors
  3. Affiliation, addresses and email of all authors
  4. Abstract of about 250 words
  5. Keywords ( alphabetical order, not more than five)
  6. Introduction (without sub-headings)
  7. Literature review
  8. Research objectives, approach, sample and data
  9. Findings and conclusions
  10. References ( APA format)
  11. Acknowledgements (if any, at end of the manuscript)
Please submit an original editable .doc/.docx file. Use 12 point Times New Roman fonts, keeping line space of 1.5. All figures and tables, etc., should be numerically numbered, captioned (captions not to be attached to tables/figures) and embedded into the original file. The length of paper should not exceed 7500 words including abstract, key words, references etc. The submitted papers should be unpublished and original and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors must email extended abstract as .doc/.docx file at conference along with submission form. You will receive the admission decision or paper/abstract acceptance within 15 days (in most cases), after your abstract/paper has been received.
Registration Fees:
Presenter &/ Participant: Local Rs. 3000    International USD 200
Ph.D. Scholar Presenter & Participant: Rs. 1500
Online: Fill in the registration form and pay conference fee online.
Offline: Registration fees can  also be paid Offline through a cheque/DD.The Cheque/DD for the requisite amount must be drawn in favour of Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies – Technical Campus payable at Delhi. The offline fees should be submitted with the Hard Copy of the Registration Form.
The Registration Form can be downloaded as a PDF here: Click Here! The fees, whether paid online/ offline, along with the Form should reach the Conference Secretariat latest by 30 April 2024
Conference Chair:
Conference Co Chair : Dr. David Victor, Professor, Eastern Michigan University
Conference Co Chair:
Conference Co Chair:
Organising Committee
Dr. Shoma Mukherji
Dr. Meghna Chhabra
Dr. Neerja Arora
Conference Coordinator
Sumit Anand


Organizing team

Dr. Shoma Mukherji
Delhi School of Business

Dr. Meghna Chhabra
Delhi School of Business

Dr. Neerja Arora 
Delhi School of Business

Mr. Sumit Anand
Delhi School of Business

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