Delhi School of Business
By Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies-TC
NBA Accredited , Equivalence to MBA by AIU
MBA College in Delhi
Home » International Faculty
International Faculty
Prof. Shyam SundarJames L Franks ProfessorYale University
Prof. S P KothariGordon Y. Billard Professor Sloan School of Management, MIT
Prof. Jyoti GuptaProfessor, ESCP Europe
Prof. Vikram KhannaWilliam W. Cook Professor University of Michigan Law School
Prof. David VictorEastern Michigan University, USA
Prof. Joe ThomasProfessor of Public Health, Head, School of Global Health. Editor- in-Chief Cogent Public Health (UK)
Prof. Peter CardonMarshall School of Business, USA
Prof. Kimberley Barker Professor, College of Business, University of Eastern Michigen
Prof. Sabiha Mumtaz,Faculty (OB & HR), University of Wollongong, Dubai
Prof. Sanjay SinghAssistant Professor, School of Business, Maynooth University, Ireland
Dr. Sailesh RaoFounder & Executive Director, Climate Healers, Phoenix, AZ
Prof. Sushil SharmaAssociate Provost, Texas A&M at Texarakana US
Ms. Elsa BarronProgram Assistant, The Center for Climate and Security (CCS)
Mr Arun Mamgai,Red Hat, USA