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MBA College in Delhi

Fellow Program in Management (FPM)

The Fellow Program in Management (FPM) is designed to be a foundation of your academic and industry expertise. By proactively approaching the diverse domains of business, from the intricacies of Finance and Accounting to the dynamics of Strategy and Business Analytics, our program’s pedagogy is complemented by a diverse and extensive curriculum. The FPM, structured to be both comprehensive and holistic, adopts an innovative teaching approach, ensuring a profound learning experience.

Facilitated by a committee of esteemed academicians and industry experts, the FPM experience is centred around developing fresh perspectives in knowledge and fostering managerial dexterity.

Delhi School of Business offers Fellow Programme in the following Areas:

In partial fulfilment of the requirement of the Fellow Programme, minimum number of Course credits required to be earned are as prescribed below:

    • Credits:
      A research scholar shall undergo 4 Courses of the total 12 credits in the first module. During the second module he/she shall undergo three stream-specific Courses of 3 credits each and give a three credit Seminar on General Management topic. In the third module, the candidate shall give a three credit Seminar and write a Literature Review paper (3 credits) related to his/her research topic for publication purpose. Thus a candidate shall earn 12 credits in the first and second modules and 6 credits in the third module together adding up to 30 credits.
    • Details of Courses and Seminar:
      The stream specific Courses and Seminars shall be approved by the Director on the recommendations of the candidate’s Guide(s) and the Research Advisory Committee
    • Duration for earning Credit:
      Modules 1 and 2 shall be completed within one calendar year of admission to the program. Modules 3 shall be completed within 6 months thereafter.
    • Guide allocation:
      The first faculty Research Guide will be allotted after successful completion of the Module 2.
    • Proposal Presentation:
      The research scholar must make the Research Proposal Presentation within 6 months of successful completion of Module 3. This will be reviewed by the Faculty council & Research Advisory Committee.
    • Grading System of Credit Courses/Seminar:
      The minimum of CGPA of 6.0 on a 10 point scale or 60% is required for passing Course/Seminar. A candidate getting less than 60% shall be given one more opportunity to repeat the Course/Seminar. If he/she still does not pass in the Course/ Seminar, he/she shall be terminated from the Fellow Programme.
    Particular     Code No.     Course Title     Credits
    Module 1       FP01        Managerial Statistics       3
      FP02       General Management       3
      FP03       System Approach to Management       3
      FP04       Research Methodology       3
    Module 2       FP05       Stream specific Course of 3 credits each       9
      FP06       Credit Seminar (General)       3
    Module 3       FP07       Credit Seminar (Specific)       3
      FP08       Review paper based on the literature on the Thesis related topic       3
      Total Credits       30
  • The candidate shall pay all the prescribed Fee as and when they are due.
  • The Courses prescribed, but not successfully completed by the candidate shall be repeated by the candidate after due permissions & payment of repeat exam fee as prescribed.
  • Candidate must furnish a periodic Research Progress Report for review and evaluation by Research Advisory Committee and the Guide(s). Progress reports may be resubmitted, if the Research Advisory Committee and the Guide(s) are not satisfied with the presentation.
  • More than two repeated unsatisfactory progress report submissions shall render the candidate ineligible to continue the programme.
  • Selection of Guide(s):
    Each candidate shall be provided one/two Guide(s) under whose supervision the research work in relation to the Programme shall be carried out. The Guide(s) shall be nominated by the Director of the Institution. All Guides shall be internal. In exceptional cases, where external guidance shall be required, recognized Guides from reputed Institutions shall be allowed only as co-guides.
    Research Guides shall be allotted to the selected candidates after completion of the necessary course work and related formalities. The research Programme and areas of research shall be finalized by respective Guides after discussion with the candidates and should be forwarded to the Director for concurrence.
  • Faculty with Ph.D and with at least 2 publications in recent times (within 3 years) in high quality journals of repute are eligible to Guide the Fellow Programme candidates. Each such Faculty shall be assigned a maximum of 2 candidates in each academic year.
  • Absence of Guide during the Programme:
    In Case of temporary absence of a Guide for a period of more than one year a new Guide shall be nominated for the Fellow Candidates. In case of a Guide who has guided for more than a year, he/she shall be allowed to resume the guidance after his/ her return from temporary absence. If the period of absence is less than 2 years, the Previous Guide shall act as Co-Guide on his/her return. If the period of absence is more than 2 years he/she shall cease to be a Guide for the Fellow candidate.
  • Change of Guide:
    Change of a Guide shall be permitted in exceptional circumstances on the recommendation of the Director.
  • Number of Research Fellows per Guide:
    At any given time, the number of Research Fellows working with a Guide shall not exceed five.
  • Research Advisory Committee:
    The Director shall nominate a Research Advisory Committee for each Fellow based on the recommendation of the Guide(s).
  • Time Limit:
    Candidate shall submit his/ her Thesis only after a minimum period of two years after admission to the programme. However, the maximum period allowed for the submission of the Thesis is five years from the date of admission to the Programme. If a candidate fails to submit the Thesis within the prescribed upper time limit due to reasons beyond his/her control, he/she shall apply to the Director for an extension. If the Institution is satisfied with the candidate’s justification, the Director shall permit him/her to re-register to the Programme subject to the payment of re-registration Fee. This re-registration shall, however, be effective only for a period of two years beyond which no extension shall be permitted.
  • Break or Unauthorized absence from the Programme:
    Any break or unauthorized absence from the Programme before registration shall lead to the cancellation of admission. Any authorized break or leave of absence shall not be counted for the minimum period of 2 years stipulated for submission of Thesis but shall be counted in the maximum period of 5 years permissible for submission of the Thesis.
  • Submission of the Synopsis:
    Five copies of the Synopsis approved by guide and Research Advisory Committee shall be submitted within a period of one month from the date of the Synopsis Seminar to the Institution with a Certificate from the candidate and the Guide(s) stating: That there is a prima facie case for consideration of the Thesis; That the work does not include any work which has at any time previously been submitted for an award of Fellow in Management or other equivalent Degree.
  • Selection of Examiners:
    On receipt of Synopsis, the Director shall draw up a list of 6 possible examiners of the Thesis in consultation with the Research Advisory Committee and Guide(s). The examiners shall be external to the Institution, two from India and at least one from abroad, having good academic and research standing in the field. The examiners shall be selected by the Director from the list recommended by Research Advisory Committee.
Each research scholar needs to register his/ her research proposal. The registration procedure is given below.

  • Proposal Seminar:
    Each research scholar shall give a Proposal Seminar before a Committee constituted by the Director. The Committee shall include the Guide(s), experts drawn from Institution’s Faculty members, Research Committee and Director. The Seminar shall be given within 6 months after completion of the three modules. The Research Scholar shall submit 5 copies of the Proposal Report (in about 15-20 pages) 15 days before the date of the Seminar. The Report shall include the proposed title of the Thesis, frame work of the proposed research objectives, scope of the study, hypothesis if any, and methodology to be followed. This stage is considered to be very important for screening the candidate for further progress in the Programme. In case the research scholar fails to defend his/her Research Proposal successfully, he/she shall be allowed to resubmit the modified research proposal as suggested by the above mentioned Committee within 6 months. In case he or she fails to defend the Research Proposal for the second time also, the research scholar shall be terminated from the Programme.
  • Application for Thesis Registration:
    A candidate must apply for formal registration of the thesis within one month after successful completion of the Proposal Seminar. The application for registration is to be made in a prescribed form along with Title and summary of the Thesis proposal approved by the Guide(s). The registration shall be effective from the date of application for the registration. The thesis must be submitted within 2 years of the registration.
  • Progress Seminars:
    Progress seminars will be held periodically every 6 months to assess the progress of the Research Scholar. This presentation will be given before Research Advisory Committee and Guide(s).
  • Submission of Thesis:
    The Thesis shall be submitted in six type written/printed copies and a soft copy with necessary Certificates and clearance within a minimum period of 1 year from the date of submission of the Synopsis. Thesis Evaluation Fee of ₹30000/- which includes an honorarium of US$200/- for foreign examiner(s) and ₹5000/- Indian Examiner(s) must be paid along with the Thesis submission.
  • Recommendations of the Examiners:
    Adefinite recommendation after critical review and evaluation of the quality and extent of the work of the candidate as embodied in the Thesis is expected from the examiners. The Recommendation must suggest whether the Thesis is of a sufficient standard and suitable for the award of Fellow in Management. If the examiner does not find the Thesis appropriate for recommendation, he/she must suggest changes and revisions for repeat submissions. Repeat Submissions shall be examined after payment of repeat Thesis Evaluation fee.
  • Acceptance/Rejection of Thesis:
    The Thesis shall be accepted only after all the examiners make positive recommendations for acceptance of thesis. If an examiner does not recommend the thesis for submission then Director may refer the Thesis to another examiner or examiners(s) from the panel. If second examiner also rejects the Thesis, it shall stand rejected and candidate must repeat the entire Research Process.
  • Re-submission of the Thesis:
    A Thesis which needs modification/ revision shall be resubmitted with revision within a period of one year. Rejection of the Thesis after re-submission shall disqualify the candidate for further consideration for the award of the Fellow in Management.
  • Viva-Voce:
    On acceptance of the Thesis, the Director shall appoint a panel of examiners to conduct a viva-voce examination and open defense during which the candidate shall be required to defend his/her Thesis. The panel of examiners shall consist of:
    The Chairman, Dean (Academic or Research) or his/ her nominee not below the rank of Professor of the Institution nominated by the Director, The Research Guide(s), Research Advisory Committee, Indian External Examiner(s) who examined the Thesis and accepted it. The panel of Examiners shall submit their Report to the Director of the Institution.
    If a Thesis has been accepted, but the candidate fails to defend it successfully at the Viva-voce examination, he/she shall reappear for the viva-voce examination within six months. Repeat viva-voce examination will be conducted only after repeat fee submission for Viva-Voce.

On successful completion of the Viva-Voce and on the recommendations of the Governing Council of the Institution, the Institution shall award “Fellow in Management” to the Research scholar. The title of the Thesis shall be mentioned in the Certificate of award.

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