Delhi School of Business

By Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies-TC

NBA Accredited , Equivalence to MBA by AIU

MBA College in Delhi

At the
Cutting -Edge of wisdom

Just like you, the faculty at DSB has an appetite for innovation. So besides mentoring you, they also contribute to advancing business practices.


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Conference Paper





Sarin Gaurav, Gupta Chhavi & Gallay Jasleen

Classifying Mode of Sales for Retail Businesses: An Empirical Examination

BIMTech Conf


Chaudhary Sanjay & Suri P K

The Impact of Electronic Trading on Wholesale Prices of Select Commodities at Agricultural Marketplaces

7th Biennial Conference of the Indian Academy of Management (INDAM) by IIM Rohtak


Chauhan Atul Singh, Ahuja Shubham & Kumar Kamnai

Analysis of Brands’ Approach to Customer Attention: Case Audi and BMW

Vivekananda International Conference-VINC22 on Replenish, Restructure and Reinvent: Technology-Fueled Transformation for Sustainable Future


Gupta Sharad, Verma Harsh, Lim Weng Marc & Polonsky Michael J

Precursors and Impact of Mindful Consumption

Association for Consumer Research Conference


Gupta Sharad & Sharma Rattan

Impact of Emotional Attachment and Branding on Purchase Intention and Brand Loyalty

International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management


Mukherji Shoma & Jain Neera

Logos: Role in Communicating Corporate Vision and Strategy

Association for Business Communication: Proceedings of the 86th Annual International Conference


Sarin Gaurav & Kejriwal Ruchi

Risk Return Analysis of top five Cryptocurrencies: An Empirical Examination

International Conference on Applied Computational Intelligence & Analysis (ACIA-2022)-NIT Raipur


Sarin Gaurav, Sahil, Vatsal & Yukti

Acceptability of Green Products in Delhi NCR Region: an Empirical Study

Vivekananda International Conference-VINC22 on Replenish, Restructure and Reinvent: Technology-Fueled Transformation for Sustainable Future


Sarin Gaurav, Bharwaj Indira, Aabha, Rashi & Utsav

Analyzing the factors influencing adoption of UPI as a payment method

Conference-VINC22 on Replenish, Restructure and Reinvent: Technology-Fueled Transformation for Sustainable Future


Thakur Rajiv R. & Srivastava Vinita

Suggestive Models towards Successful Implementation of New Education Policy and in Making of Atmanirbahar Bharat

International Conference on Implementation of NEP-2020 Challenges and Opportunities for Educational Institutions


Arora, Neerja

Identifying Discriminating Factors between High and Low Mobile App Users in NCR

International e-conference on Global Information and Business Strategy


Arora Neerja & Malik Garima

Identifying Clusters of Mobile App Users in NCR

International Conference on Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0 and Future of Business, GL Bajaj Institute


Bhardwaj, Indira

Impact of Regulatory Mechanisms on NPAs in Indian Banks – A analytical perspective with special reference to IBC"

Business Data Analytics Conference-2020


Mittal Mitali & Minto Monira

Impact of Integration of Augmented Reality on Consumer perception on Website Quality, Trust and Brand Recall

16th SIMSR Global Marketing Conference: Conscious Consumerism and Marketing Collaboration, Empathy, Responsibility | Page 403-407


Sarin Gaurav & Gulati Karishma

Comparative analysis of data modeling approaches to envisage bank telemarketing behavior

International Conference on Strategizing for Future: The Post COVID Economic Order, VINC, Jan. 2021


Sarin Gaurav & Kumar Pradeep

COVID-19 Fake News Identification (CFNI)

Building New Digital Ecosytem , 3rd ICDE & 14th ISDSI IIM Raipur & IIM Sambalpur, Dec. 2020 | Page-1-19


Arora, Neerja

Developing a framework for Mobile App Adoption in Embracing the Transformative Times

International Conference of Digitalization of Management & Social Sciences


Arora Neerja & Malik Garima

Identifying Discriminating Factors between High and Low Mobile App Users in NCR

Global Advances in Business and Communication, DSB


Bhardwaj, Indira

A study of disclosures made by large Indian Companies towards the details of their expenditure on Corporate Social Responsibility

GABC XIth Transcontinental Conference - Strategising for Global Connect


Chaudhary Sanjay & Suri P K

Modelling the Enablers of E-Trading Adoption in Agriculture: Learning from Indian e-NAM

Book of Abstracts: 2019 IIM Indore-NASMEI Summer Marketing Information Systems Conference | Vol-25, Issue-1, ISBN: 9781786354280


Chaudhary, Sanjay

The Agri-tech Start-ups In E-commerce: The Way Ahead In India

19th Global Conference on Flexible Systems Management (GLOGIFT-19)


Chauhan Atul Singh & Anand Sandip

Negative brand experiences about societal issues: Synthesis of literature and research propositions

GABC XIth Transcontinental Conference - Strategising for Global Connect


Gupta Sharad & Verma Harsh V.

Mindful Consumption: Factorial invariance and group differences

GABC XIth Transcontinental Conference - Strategising for Global Connect


Gupta Sharad & Verma Harsh V.

Measuring Mindful Consumption and evaluating its nomological network

AIM-American Marketing Association Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium & Conference | Page-1-5


Gupta Sharad & Verma Harsh V.

Mindful Consumption: Factorial Invariance and group differences

AIM-American Marketing Association Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium & Conference | Page-107-110


Gupta Sharad & Verma Harsh V.

Effect of Mindfulness meditation on Mindful Consumption & Life Satisfaction: An experiment with higher education students

PAN IIM Conference 2019


Gupta Sharad & Verma Harsh V.

Measuring Mindful Consumption

North American - Advances in Consumer Research | Vol 47, p 972


Kumar Pradeep & Sarin Gaurav

ConvGRUText: A Deep Learning Method for Fake Text Detection on Online Social Media

Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) Dubai | Page-1-14


Kumar, Sanjay

Delivering Successful Turnarounds in different cultures

GABC XIth Transcontinental Conference - Strategising for Global Connect


Kumar, Sanjay

The role of sense-making in business transformations across cultures

GABC XIth Transcontinental Conference - Strategising for Global Connect


Sarin Gaurav & Kumar Pradeep

Fake Entity Detection: An Analytical Approach

PAN IIM Conference 2019


Sarin, Gaurav

Classifying Student Performance: A Comparative and Analytical Approach

GABC XIth Transcontinental Conference - Strategising for Global Connect


Sen Ram Rritvik

Conceptual Issues in Estimating the Cost Of Equity

GABC XIth Transcontinental Conference - Strategising for Global Connect


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