Delhi School of Business

By Vivekanda Institute of Professional Studies-TC

NBA Accredited , Equivalence to MBA by AIU

MBA College in Delhi

International Speaker

Prof. Kimberley Barker 
Professor, College of Business, University of Eastern Michigen

Ms. Elsa Barron
Program Assistant, The Center for Climate and Security (CCS)

Mr Arun Mamgal,
Red Hat, USA

Prof. Sushil Sharma
Associate Provost, Texas A&M at Texarakana US

Prof. Sanjay Singh
Assistant Professor, School of Business, Maynooth University, Ireland

Prof. Sabiha Mumtaz,
Faculty (OB & HR), University of Wollongong, Dubai

Dr. Sailesh Rao
Founder & Executive Director, Climate Healers, Phoenix, AZ

Prof. Virginia Soukoup
Subject Expert

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